10:05 am
I don’t think I’m a “driven” person. I believe I actually have a high threshold for tolerance of the status quo. I don’t make a move until something is really driving me bonkers. And when that happens, I kinda make close to drastic maneuvers.
Anyway, like I said I don’t think I’m driven. Driven people drive other people crazy. That’s why they’re driven. Hahaha…
Okay okay. So I said I’ve sworn off violent movies. Well…war movies to be really specific. My hubby woke up this morning telling me how he couldn’t forget what Vin Diesel said in his movie Triple X. I figured my husband was able to squeeze in viewing that movie last night after finishing his lesson while I was already in the sack.
Anyways, I figured I’d watch that movie. I kinda like Vin Diesel and Triple X isn’t a war movie…hehehe.
Sometimes, men can be completely insensitive bastards.
I’m already offline at work but am still stuck doing work because I don’t want to be doing this same task by Monday. I plan to submit it today or by the wee hours of Saturday morning even if it means having to stay up that long.
As it is, the kids are still hyper—noisy and moving about. Battery levels at 10! The house floor is littered with toys, and I’ve just washed my youngest kid’s butt after his poo leaked out of his nappy and messed his crib spread. Eeeww! I figured, I still have 6 or 7 years of having to wash someone else’s butts. (sigh) The only consolation is that it won’t be an adult’s butt. EEEEEWWWW!
And I still have to cook dinner. Husband is out. Speaker at an EGR in Imus. Ok, so it’s not comparing like with like when I think about his job and I think about mine. But when you look closely, I am literally holding two jobs—my online work and housework, not to mention supervising the children. I wish he’d do more housework.
I’d gladly do it all myself if I had the humanly possible stamina and unlimited resources. But I just don’t have them. There’s only 1 me with only 2 hands and 2 feet and 24 hours in a day. And I cringe at that thought of having more than a pair for each set of limbs regardless if having more will seem to accomplish more. I simply refuse to look like an arachnid or any of those multi-legged creatures. Ugh!
My throat seems sore again. My voice seems hoarse no matter how hard I try to clear my throat. This already happened to me last year. No voice for about two weeks. I didn’t have a cold or cough then. Just lost my voice. It seems to be happening again. A dear friend of mine mentioned last time that a case like this meant fatigue. (sigh). Perhaps I am fatigued…again. I really wonder when or if ever I’m gonna get that kind of vacation I dream about and have blogged about and post stuff about.
Trying desperately to finish at list three quarters of my task before cooking dinner. I know it’s already late. Dinner should be served by now. But what can I do? Crap! Lately, the kids seem to easily drive me crazy. I wince at each scream and squabble and fit of tantrum. It takes all my self control not to hang the little turnips by their ankles!
9:09 pm
That’s it. Monster Mama has struck again! Sheesh. I hate myself.
30 January 2010
12 January 2010
Holiday Hangover
I haven't been on a road trip (a real one) for a very long time. The last road trip I vaguely remember was some medical mission trip ages ago.

I love road trips. So what better way to spend Christmas than on a road trip to Baguio, specifically hurtling down the highways at 100-120 km/h on a motorbike...with your husband. And that was exactly how I spent Christmas eve and Christmas day. Incredible! It's been a little over three weeks since the trip and I am still amazed when I think about it.
The trip was my husband's idea of how we should celebrate our 12th anniversary--which actually wasn't until the 5th of January--but Christmas was our only so-called window of free time. We had to grab the opportunity for some sort of break from our busy schedules. So I'd like to think of it as a wedding anniversary and Christmas present rolled in one.
To be honest though, it wasn't all that perfect because it didn't turn out exactly the way we sort of planned it. But that's life...haha. We weren't able to leave at 12am early morning of the 24th because my Mom who agreed to watch the kids for us arrived at around 1:30 in the afternoon of that day. So we were set back much in terms of time. We wanted to be on the road by the "ungodly" hour of 12am so we would be arriving in Benguet Province by the time the sun was just peeking over those glorious mountain ranges.
Well, we ended up leaving at around 3pm which meant head-on encounter with Metro Manila traffic and other "mini" traffic jams as we tried to speed through five provinces (Bulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac, Pangasinan, La Union). We arrived at the foot of the mountain province about an hour to midnight. We were in Baguio City proper by 12 midnight--half frozen because it was sooooo cold. We already had jackets on but decided to put on extra ones plus bonnets, and I wished to God then I had brought gloves or mittens. And because it was a holiday and considering our time of arrival, the place where we had planned to stay had no personnel present to check us in. Why didn't we place reservations? Because Baguio has so much places where one can hit the sack at any given time. We just didn't filter in the holiday season when we were talking about the trip because we were kinda excited about the whole thing.
Well we did get to stay in a really lovely place which we found after three hours...after a very late dinner at Andok's...after driving around the town proper in search for an alternative place...after sitting in a Burnham Park kiosk while a nice young girl called her "contacts" to see if any rooms were still open...after driving around again...after sitting in a Dunkin Donut shop trying to steal warmth from a styrocup of hot choco, half laughing but at the edge of tears because we really wanted to sleep already...after driving around some more and checking with other transients places that either could not accommodate us or were charging us too much for just several hours of using one of their rooms for the night.
We had the budget but we weren't willing to pay a thousand pesos for just around 4 hours of sleep. Really! So that was the major hitch. But once we checked into the lovely house for transients that had a really charming lady owner, we were all smiles again.
We unpacked and cleaned ourselves and...well, incredible how much heat the human body can generate especially when you're uhm...making love. LOL!
Great breakfast in the morning, quick tour of the city tourist spots, snap-snap of photos to ensure the trip for posterity...and well, proof to show that we actually did it, lunch at Andok's (again), and we were on the road again speeding towards DasmariƱas, Cavite. From south to way way up north and back.
It wasn't the destination that was the major highlight. It was the whole road trip itself that was the incredible highlight! The stopovers in between speeding down the highway, the sights. In Bulacan there were rows of stores that at first I thought were selling sweets but when my husband told me to look closer, I began to see they were actually firecracker stores! And I did not realize that Pampanga seemed to have as many catholic churches as it had gambling establishments! Tarlac was sooooo long. I know, I already said that.
Ok. This post has gotten to be a novelette in length. So I will end by saying that we're tentatively planning our next road trip--to Vigan! Woohoo!
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