Could Jehovah charge these copycats with religious piracy? Or spiritual plagiarism? If there ever were such concepts. Still, when I think about this, it just amazes me how the Author of the Good Book hasn’t zapped them all into nothingness—which He could simply do with a snap of the all-powerful fingers. He has chosen not to. It’s not His nature to be vindictive. Just goes to show that God Almighty is mercy to the very core of His awesome being. And royally confident that in reality ALL things are HIS.
As for us humans, we are terribly territorial and sadly unforgiving when it comes to things we think we’ve originally created. Even a slight copy-paste of a written work would generate the crisp sound of lawsuit slaps.
The Author of the universe must be laughing Himself in amusement at the audacity of mere mortals who claim HIS precepts as their own religious truth.